Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Cavan raked the entire back yard today and put it in a nice little pile for the kids to play in.  I begged and begged Leah to wait just 30 more minutes as my new lens was coming in the mail (Brayden pulled my camera off the table and broke my lens).  She was a little resistant, but she waited!  It was so hard the last week not being able to take pictures!  I normally take a good amount every day... so without further rambling... the adorable pictures from today in the leebes (Leah's form of leaves).

Oh.. by the way.  I made kale chips for the first time tonight and despite burning a couple edges, they were amazing!!!  We ate the entire plate full in about 10 minutes.  The kids loved them too!

Now, they don't look all that amazing, but let me tell you, it was like we were eating junk food!  YUM!

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